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Top Destination Tokyo


Tokyo, the heart of Japan, is a rare mix of ultra-modern skyscrapers and traditional historical temples. Taking in change, reinvention, and renewal hasn’t changed the city’s welcoming style. Home to some world-famous traditional and historical landmarks, Tokyo is sure to leave you spellbound. Take a sneak peek into the city’s few of the most famous destinations and decide for yourself.

  1. Shinjuku and Kabukicho: the two neighborhoods that never sleep in Tokyo are Shinjuku and Kabukicho. Ready to cater visitors from all walks of life, these two places are a hub of your shopping, glamour, party, food, and massage needs. Get an aerial view of the areas from the Metropolitan Government Building’s observatory. And just when the lights turn on, it’s time to go crazy. Do not miss Tokyo’s most visited and best-rated show with unforgettable madness at the Robot Restaurant in Kabukicho. Take your time in taking in the beauty of night of Tokyo in some of the open air/rooftop restaurants and enjoy the food.
  2. Tokyo National Museum: for those who’re looking for a fix in their historian self, Tokyo National Museum is the right place. It is a live example of the tradition and culture of Tokyo, with every wall screaming out the history of the place. The museum has reserved ancient exhibits including ornate swords, delicate pottery, samurai armor, decorated tombs, kimonos, calligraphy, historic paintings, and much more. Take a stroll around the museum and get all the pre-historic feels.
  3. Tsukiji Market: Even if you’re not a sushi or seafood lover, the Tsukiji Market is a must visit for every person to see what the daily life routine of Tokyo is like. Recognized as world’s largest fish market, the vendors sell over 2,000 tons of fresh fish every day. Also, the market hosts an auction of colorful and lively tuna from 5 to 6:15 in the morning and surprisingly, the place remains overcrowded at that time. And if you love seafood from the bottom of your heart, visit any nearby stall or restaurant to give a treat to your taste buds.
  4. Shibuya Crossing: get to the internationally famous Shibuya Crossing to witness one of the busiest and crowded intersections. The to and fro of people around you would make you feel alive and appreciate life and the efforts it asks for. To get a better feel, climb to one of the buildings around and witness people walking like a herd of sheep.
  5. Sensoji Temple: a visit to Tokyo isn’t complete without paying homage to the Sensoji Temple. Undoubtedly the most beautiful and oldest place in Tokyo. Originally established in the year 628, the Sensoji Temple is so full of colors and every corner evokes a sense of peace and is adorned lavishly with intricate Japanese figures, such as its jumbo lantern as well as gigantic guardian statues.
  6. Odaiba: the mini island Odaiba, rested on the Tokyo Bay, gives you sight that you can’t afford to miss. Being a hub of eateries, entertainment, and eye-catching architecture, Odaiba is sure to give you major vacation goals and loads of pictures. Stroll across the Tokyo Bay and relax inside the Odaiba Seaside Park or get yourself more educated about the place by paying a visit to National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.

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The prices were really cheap and every extra additional cost was mentioned in the same page. Totally impressed with the transparency.
I didn’t mind paying extra for extra comfort in the flight and got exactly the seat that I booked for myself.
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